
رأس الدم الدموية هي الصدمة تحت الترقوة الدموية من الجمجمة التي عادة ما تكون ناجمة عن إصابة الولادة. يتم تشخيصها سريرياً ونادرة التصوير. هذه الرأس الدموية هي السندات من قبل العظم، بالتالي لا يمكن عبور الغرز. كأغلبية الرأس الدموية تمتص في غضون شهر من الولادة. ستكون نسبة منهم متكلسة مع مرور الوقت. الأشعة المقطعية هي أفضل طريقة تصوير لتشخيص تكلس رأس الدم الدموي.


  • Cephalohematoma is a collection of blood between the skull and the peri cranium confined within the borders of cranial sutures

  • Type 1 calcified cephalohematoma has a non-depressed inner lamella with no encroachment into the cranial vault space while in Type 2, the inner lamella is depressed into the cranial vault space [2, 4]

  • The inner and outer tables of right parietal bone are ossified with intervening organized hematoma, the inner table is continuing with normal contour of the skull, it has a non- depressed inner lamellar with no encroachment into the cranial vault space(Figure 2 and 3)

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Maryam Mohamed Ali Abdalla Mohamed Etbiga

Faculty of Medicine || Sirte University || Libya Abstract: Cephalohaematomas are traumatic subperiosteal hematomas of the skull that are usually caused by birth injury. They are bound between the periosteum and cranium, and cannot cross sutures. Being bound by a suture line distinguishes them from subgaleal hematoma, which can cross sutures. Cephalohaematomas are clinically diagnosed and infrequently imaged. They can be unilateral or bilateral, and appear as subgaleal fluid collections bounded by suture lines. The hematoma usually resolves in 2-3 months. This report describes a Libyan infant of two months of age, presented with a hard-globular swelling over the right parietal region.

Calcified cephalohemtoma
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