
Previous to Feb. 9, 1940 my experience and the teaching of others had led me to believe that the septal quadrilateral cartilage was always cartilaginous and never osseous. REPORT OF A CASE On Feb. 9, 1940 I operated on L. F. G., a man aged 45, at Lakeside Hospital, for the relief of nasal obstruction. The procedure contemplated was a submucous resection to correct a marked superior and anterior deviation of the nasal septum to the left. This deflection was posterior to and did not involve the septal tip, which was in its proper position in the columella. With the patient under local anesthesia, the usual curved incision was made on the left side, distal to the deflection, and the mucoperichondrium was easily elevated posteriorly as far as the maximum deflection. The incision was then deepened, with the intention of incising the quadrilateral cartilage and freeing the mucoperichondrium on the

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