
The calcareous nannofossil biozones NP7/8 through NP12 were identified from the Esna and base of the Thebes formations at Wadi Nukhul, westcentral Sinai. The Subzone NP9a spans the lower part of Esna Formation. The Zone NP10 is easily differentiated into 4 subzones (a-d). The NP9/NP10 zonal boundary can be identified at the level of increase frequency of Neochiastozygus junctus. Zone NP11 occupies the topmost part of the Esna Formation and the base of the Thebes Formation indicating conformable relation between them. The Paleocene/Eocene boundary is traced between the NP9a/NP9b subzonal boundary which is marked by the first- appearances of Rhomboaster spp. It is located at the basal part of the Esna Formation and conforms lithologic change from blackish calcareous shale to brown calcarenite. On the basis of nannofossils, the Paleocene Eocene Thermal maximum (PETM) interval can be divided into two parts (lower and upper). The major assemblage shift across the P/E boundary suggests a change from colder, more productive surface waters to warmer, more oligotrophic conditions. Above the PETM interval, the niche of Fasciculithus spp. was filled by Neochiastozygus juncts and Rhabdolithus solus, the cooler and more eutrophic taxa.

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