
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1260 recovered a near-continuous and expanded (187-m thick) middle Eocene carbonate sequence at mid-bathyal depths on Demerara Rise off Suriname, South America. A calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic framework has been established for the sequence to aid multi-proxy cyclostratigraphic analyses. The diversity of calcareous nannofossils is reasonably high and preservation moderate throughout most of the section, and the proximity to the continent is indicated by the occurrence of braarudosphaerids in the lower three quarters of the section. The species richness of sphenoliths is particularly high, and our data confirm the occurrence of new sphenoliths during the middle Eocene as shown recently by Bown and Dunkley Jones (2006). In particular we corroborate the occurrences of Sphenolithus strigosus and S. runus that these authors found in their Zone NP16 Tanzania sediments, however we extend the ranges of these taxa down into Zone NP15 (CP13). Moreover we document the occurrence of Bramletteius serraculoides in Zone NP15 (CP13b) and the occurrence of Sphenolithus predistentus in NP16 (CP14a), extending their known ranges down column.

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