
In Al Qasim Province, Saudi Arabia, calcareous pedogenic duricrust overlies the Upper Permian carbonates and clays of the Khuff Formation, and ranges in thickness from 60 cm to 2 m. It consists of white sandy duricrust capped by brown, nodular porous duricrust. Petrographic investigation led to recognition of three lithofacies that show spatial distribution: 1- structureless sandy calcareous mudstone, 2- brecciated-nodular calcareous mudstone, and 3- pisolitic calcareous mudstone. The diagenetic changes in duricrust are aggrading neomorphism and formation of calcite rims around quartz grains. Microprobe chemical analysis was performed on the diagenetically altered material. The development of the duricrust is controlled by four factors: the climate changes, the type of underlying rocks, source of carbonate and biological effects. The repeated changes from semi-arid climate with alternating wet and dry seasons are the main controlling factor, in generation of duricrust development. During humid periods, descending water carries the dissolved carbonates downward as bicarbonates, whereas dry and interpluvial period, the carbonate-rich solutions are carried upwards by capillary or evaporation. The claystone and sandstone interbeds possibly affect the development of calcareous duricrust, more than the sandstones and dolostones, because the former have the ability to attach calcium carbonate to form the duricrust. The development of calcareous duricrust is mainly attributed to the Pleistocene and Early Holocene alternating humid and arid periods that prevailed over the Arabian Peninsula during this time.

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