
Background: All over the world the rate of caesarean section is increasing dayby day due to multiple factors and Pakistan is no exception to it. According to World HealthOrganization (WHO) the rate of caesarean section varies from 5% to 15%. This rate of C-sectionis acceptable to WHO and is considered as justifiable which differs from country to country dueto diverse socio economic conditions, literacy rate, medico legal issues as well as availabilitiesof health care facilities to patients and especially antenatal facilities. Objectives: To analyzethe rate and indications of caesarean section in primigravida. Study Design: Descriptive study.Setting: Government Sardar Begum Hospital Sialkot. Period: 1st January 2017 to 31st December2017. Materials and Methods: Inclusion and exclusion criteria were made and all patients whichunderwent caesarean section were included in the study and all patients delivered vaginally wereexcluded from the study. A proforma was designed specially to record the different parameters/information of patients and indications of c-section. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22.Results: Total caesarean section rate was 40 %, out of which 30.87% were Primigravida and69.13% were multigravida. Failure to progress was the most common indication and only in0.47% patients, obstructed labour was an indication of C-section. Conclusion: In primigravidawomen the prevalence of Caesarean Section is increased which also lead to enhance repeatcaesarean section chances and it is not free of risk. It is risk factor for placenta pervia, further,repeat caesarean section adherent morbidly placenta which increased the chances of hugePPH and acute maternal morbidity and mortality.

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