
Objective. To study the course of early neonatal adaptation depending on the anesthetic aid in abdominaldelivery of pregnant women with severe preeclampsia. Characteristic o fchildren and research methods. Thea uthorscarried outaprospective cohort study o f342 childrenborn from mothers with severepreeclampsia. The children were grouped according to their gestationalage. The author sanalyzed perinatallosse sand assessed general condition according to the Apgarscaleat the 1st and 5th minutes of life, aswell as the neurological status of newborns according to the NACS scale at the 15thminute of life and in 2 hours depending on the anesthesia method used during the caesareansection.Results. The authors found that the newborns from mothers with severe preeclampsia, starting from the 34th week of gestation, demonstrated a significantly more pronounced negative effect of total intravenous anesthesia on their somatic (birth in a state of hypoxia) and neurological status as compared with spinalanesthesia (р<0,05). ><0,05).Conclusion. The results are of practical value to neonatologists, as total intravenous anesthesia is expectedto causethe revealed violations of the adaptive ability of newborns and the doctor is able to provide adequate timely assistance to children.


  • To study the course of early neonatal adaptation depending on the anesthetic aid in abdominal delivery of pregnant women with severe preeclampsia

  • The authors carried out a prospective cohort study of 342 children born from mothers with severe preeclampsia

  • The authors analyzed perinatal losses and assessed general condition according to the Apgar scale at the 1st and 5th minutes of life, as well as the neurological status of newborns according to the NACS scale at the 15th minute of life and in 2 hours depending on the anesthesia method used during the caesarean section

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Кесарево сечение при тяжелой преэклампсии: особенности ранней неонатальной адаптации. Изучение особенностей течения ранней неонатальной адаптации в зависимости от метода анестезиологического пособия при абдоминальном родоразрешении беременных с тяжелой преэклампсией. В которое были включены 342 новорожденных от матерей с преэклампсией тяжелой степени. У новорожденных, начиная с 34-й недели гестации, установлено достоверно более выраженное негативное влияние тотальной внутривенной анестезии на соматический (рождение в состоянии гипоксии) и неврологический статус новорожденных от матерей с преэклампсией тяжелой степени по сравнению со спинномозговой анестезией (р

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