
Rhyolites and rhyolitic tuffs of the Freixo-Segóvia Volcanic-Sedimentary Complex of the Cambrian of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Variscan belt, SW Iberia) were analyzed for petrography, major and trace element geochemistry, Sm–Nd isotopes and U–Pb zircon geochronology in order to deduce magma sources. New U–Pb zircon age data indicate that Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks, previously assigned to the Terreneuvian, formed during the Miaolingian (ca. 509-505 Ma). These rhyolitic rocks exhibit calc-alkaline signature, LREE enrichment, nearly flat HREE patterns, negative Eu, Nb and Ti anomalies, and are chemically similar to the bulk continental crust. Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks have negative to slightly positive εNd(T) values (−2.8; 0.5) resulting in TDM model ages (1.0–1.3 Ga) that overlap the range defined by Terreneuvian Malcocinado andesites, formed in the transition of the Cadomian (West-African) arc to continental rifting in northern Gondwana margin. Based on the Sm–Nd isotopic data, the Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks may have resulted from of partial melting of andesitic crust. The presence of Ediacaran-age zircon in the Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks indicates inheritance from the Cadomian arc. Inherited zircon grains with West African affinity were probably transferred into the rhyolitic magma from an older igneous source formed in the Cadomian arc. Based on their major and trace element composition, combined with isotopic and geochronological data, the Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks record recycling of arc crust during a Late Cambrian rifting event along the northern Gondwana margin. The transition from Cadomian accretion to peri-Gondwana break-up leading to the opening of the Rheic Ocean is also known in other parts of the Variscan belt.

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