
Metal-silicate partitioning experiments were carried out at 1.5 GPa and 1508 to 1843 K to constrain Cd partitioning and isotope fractionation during core formation. At the studied conditions, there was no significant stable isotope fractionation during Cd partitioning between metal and silicate phases with a mean ∆114Cdmet-sil = −0.02 ± 0.09‰ (2SD, n = 7). Two experiments that investigated sulphide-silicate partitioning of Cd yielded fractionation factors of −0.04 ± 0.06‰ and − 0.23 ± 0.07‰ (2SE), whereby the latter result was obtained for a short run that may not represent full equilibrium. In summary, the findings suggest that Cd isotope fractionation during segregation of Earth's core was either absent or very minor. The Cd partitioning data of this and previous investigations were combined in multiple linear regression analyses to better constrain Cd metal-silicate partitioning during core formation. In accord with earlier work, the analyses reveal that Cd metal-silicate partitioning is not significantly impacted by temperature and pressure but affected by the S content of the metal phase. In addition, it is shown that the presence of C and Si in the metal reduce the siderophile character of Cd. Based on estimates for the composition of Earth's core, the data suggest a metal-silicate partition coefficient DCd of about 0.4 for a single-stage core formation event. However, given uncertainties about the light element composition of Earth's core, DCd values larger than 1 cannot be ruled out at present for core formation. The results of this study and data on the composition of the bulk silicate Earth and chondritic meteorites were applied in mass balance calculations to constrain the Cd signature of Earth's main stage accretion material prior to delivery of the late veneer. The modelling indicates Earth's main stage of accretion involved material with an average Cd isotope composition that was lighter than that of known carbonaceous and enstatite chondrites. Most likely, this reflects either poor characterisation of these meteorites by the few precise data currently available or that a significant fraction of the terrestrial volatile inventory was acquired from material not directly related to carbonaceous and enstatite chondrites. Furthermore, terrestrial accretion most likely did not encompass the addition of a volatile-rich late veneer exceeding 2% of Earth's mass, in accord with accretion models, which invoke that volatile delivery occurred primarily during main stage accretion, alongside core formation.

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