
Recent field experiments have shown that high chloride (Cl) in irrigation waters can increase soil cadmium (Cd) uptake by crops because of the formation of soluble ion-pair complexes of Cd with Cl in soil solution. The present study was aimed at testing a hypothesis that KCl in granulated PK fertilizers may enhance Cd uptake by crops from Cd-containing P fertilizers because of close contact between Cd and Cl in the same granules. Less effect would be expected if the same granular PK fertilizers were bulk-blended because of separation of Cd and Cl in different granules. A single superphosphate (SSP) containing 32 mg Cd kg(-1) was granulated by the compaction process with KCl at a P to K ratio = 1:1. Granular KCl was also bulk-blended with granular SSP or Cd-free monocalcium phosphate (MCP) at the same P to K ratio. An acid Ultisol (pH 5.2) was treated with PK fertilizers at 400 mg kg(-1) each for P and K. Upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were grown to maturity, and signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf.) was cut four times during the study. The results showed that the agronomic effectiveness in increasing crop yield was the same with SSP and MCP whether granulated or bulk-blended with KCl. Concentrations of Cd in plant tissue samples of all crops were much lower for MCP than for SSP. In all the plant tissue samples, except grain samples of upland rice, Cd concentrations obtained with granulated (SSP + KCl) were significantly higher than that with bulk-blended (SSP) + (KCl).

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