
There are 15 ancestral Caddo ceramic vessels from the S. E. Watson (n=13) and Hook’s Ferry (n=2) sites in the collections of the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at The University of Texas at Austin. The S. E. Watson site is a Caddo mound center, village, and cemetery on Pecan Bayou near its confluence with the Red River. Another Caddo mound was reported at nearby 41RR67, on the Chapman Plantation, although it may have been destroyed by Red River flooding. The Hook’s Ferry site (41RR9) is situated in the Red River floodplain just east of the Jonesborough site (41RR15), north of Salt Well Slough, and ca. 3 km upstream from the large village and mound center at the Sam Kaufman site (41RR16).


  • There are 15 ancestral Caddo ceramic vessels from the S

  • DECORATION (INCLUDING MOTIF AND ELEMENTS WHEN APPARENT): The vessel rim is divided into two panels by the strap handles

  • The vessel body is divided into four panels by sets of two closely-spaced vertical incised lines

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There are 15 ancestral Caddo ceramic vessels from the S. E. Watson (n=13) and Hook’s Ferry (n=2) sites in the collections of the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at The University of Texas at Austin. The 6(:DWVRQVLWHLVD&DGGRPRXQGFHQWHUYLOODJHDQGFHPHWHU\RQ3HFDQ%D\RXQHDULWVFRQÀXHQFHZLWK the Red River (Figure 1). Another Caddo mound was reported at nearby 41RR67, on the Chapman Plantation, DOWKRXJKLWPD\KDYHEHHQGHVWUR\HGE\5HG5LYHUÀRRGLQJ7KH+RRN¶V)HUU\VLWH 55 LVVLWXDWHGLQWKH 5HG5LYHUÀRRGSODLQMXVWHDVWRIWKH-RQHVERURXJKVLWH 55 QRUWKRI6DOW:HOO6ORXJKDQGFDNP upstream from the large village and mound center at the Sam Kaufman site (41RR16)

Brazos River
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