
The T. M. Sanders site (41LR2) is one of the more important ancestral Caddo sites known in East Texas, primarily because of its two earthen mounds and the well-preserved mortuary features of Caddo elite persons buried in Mound No. 1 (the East Mound), as well as its extensive (200+ acres) habitation deposits and material culture remains of the Middle Caddo and Historic Caddo period components. The T. M. Sanders site is located on a broad alluvial terrace just south of the confluence of Bois d’Arc Creek and the Red River.


  • The assemblage of sherds is from the extensive Middle Caddo period occupation of the site, and includes sherds from grog- and bonetempered Bois d’Arc Plain, Sanders Incised, Monkstown Fingernail Impressed, Sanders Engraved, and Sanders Slipped vessels

  • These vessels include jars, bottles, and carinated bowls

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Sanders site is located on a broad alluvial terrace Must south of the conÁuence of %ois d·$rc Creek and the Red River (Figure 1)

Ceramic Vessel Sherd Sample
Summary and Conclusions
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