
Marma Science is one of the most distinctive concepts of Ayurveda. There are 107 marma sites in the body, and they are the conglomeration of muscles, veins, ligaments, bones, and joints. This peculiarity makes Marmamarma a somewhat vulnerable point, and any injury can lead to disability, dysfunction and demise. The cause of the damage can either be traumatic or iatrogenic; therefore, it becomes a necessity to rule out the exact location of the marma and anatomical structure responsible for the traumatic effects. Katiktarun being a Prishthagata marma, is prone to get injured during significant surgeries of the gluteal region and spine. Its injury can lead to delayed death. The aim of this study revolves around the anatomical entity responsible for delayed death caused by katiktarun injury. By identifying the location and structure involved in the marma, it might be possible to repair the structure and deferment the delayed end. Based on Ayurvedic literature and cadaveric observations, the superior margin of the sciatic notch (suprapiriform foraman) is considered as the position of Katiktarun Marma, whereas the neurovasculature associated with suprapiriform foramen is the causative structure of marma trauma symptoms.

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