
This article proposes Syari’ah-based accounting treatment for collecting and distributing zakat from the perspective of a zakat institution as a trustee. The proposed accounting treatment considers the current practices of zakat institutions in Malaysia in accounting for the collection and distribution of zakat as well as the expert opinion on the Syari’ah aspects regarding the collection and distribution of zakat. Using the method of content analysis of financial statements and discussions with zakat institution officials, the study found that current accounting practices for collection and distribution among the zakat institutions studied did not show much difference. The zakat institutions account for the collection of zakat as revenue when received and the distribution of zakat as expenditure when payment or distribution to asnaf is made. The amount of zakat collection that has not yet been allocated to asnaf during a given accounting period is recognised as equity. However, based on the findings from interviews with a group of fiqh experts, focus should be given to examining the accuracy of the practice of recognising zakat collection as revenue, distribution of zakat as expense and excess of zakat collection as equity and whether the practice is in line with Islamic law or Syari’ah. In line with the zakat institution’s role as a trustee, it is proposed that the zakat collection and distribution be recognised as receipts and distributions and disclosed in the Statement of Receipts and Distributions on a cash basis. Meanwhile, excess zakat collection in the current year is recognised as a liability. The proposal also aims to ensure that the reporting of zakat information in the financial statements is accurate and does not mislead the Muslim community as stakeholders, in addition to better disclosing the zakat institution’s accountability as a trustee. The proposed Syari’ah-based accounting treatment for the collection and distribution of zakat can be a guide in developing a financial reporting conceptual framework and specific Syari’ah-compliant accounting standards for zakat institutions in Malaysia. Keywords: zakat, collecting zakat, distributing zakat, accounting of zakat institutions

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