
Abstract Plots, 3.5 X 12 ft, arranged in a split-plot design with each chem-ical treatment replicated 3 times, and each of 4 genotypes replicated twice within each treatment strip, were planted at Moscow, ID on 20 Aug, 1995 at 9.5 lb/acre using a small-plot, cone seeder. Capture 2 EC and methyl parathion 4 E were applied 5 Jun with a CO2-pressurized tractor-mounted sprayer equipped with 80° fan nozzles on an 8.3-ft boom that delivered 20 gpa at 30 psi. At the time of treatment, wind conditions were calm (<5 mph), and ambient air tem-perature was above 60°F. Plots were sampled for adult CSW 2 before treatment and 2 d after treatment by dislodging them into a 5-gal plastic bucket with a beat of a hand at each end of a plot. To determine the number of exit holes, 10 pods were removed from 10 racemes from each side of each plot on 17 and 18 Jul. Plots were harvested 15 Aug with a small-plot combine (4.6 ft header). All data were subjected to analysis of variance.

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