
1. Potentiation of calcium-activated non-selective cation (CAN) channels was studied in rat hippocampal neurones. CAN channels were activated by IP3-dependent Ca2+ release following metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) stimulation either by Schaffer collateral input to CA1 neurones in brain slices in which ionotropic glutamate and GABAA receptors, K+ channels, and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger were blocked or by application of the mGluR antagonist ACPD in cultured hippocampal neurones. 2. The CAN channel-dependent depolarization (DeltaVCAN) was potentiated when [Ca2+]i was increased in neurones impaled with Ca2+-containing microelectrodes. 3. Fura-2 measurements revealed a biphasic increase in [Ca2+]i when 200 microM ACPD was bath applied to cultured hippocampal neurones. This increase was greatly attenuated in the presence of Cd2+. 4. Thapsigargin (1 microM) caused marked potentiation of DeltaVCAN in CA1 neurones in the slices and of the CAN current (ICAN) measured in whole cell-clamped cultured hippocampal neurones. 5. Ryanodine (20 microM) also led to a potentiation of DeltaVCAN while neurones pretreated with 100 microM dantrolene failed to show potentiation of DeltaVCAN when impaled with Ca2+-containing microelectrodes. 6. The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (2 microM) also caused a potentiation of DeltaVCAN. 7. CAN channels are subject to considerable potentiation following an increase in [Ca2+]i due to Ca2+ release from IP3-sensitive, Ca2+-sensitive, or mitochondrial Ca2+ stores. This ICAN potentiation may play a crucial role in the 'amplification' phase of excitotoxicity.

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