
This paper addresses the state of practice of C-ITS implementation in several cities throughout Europe, and it was carried out under the scope of the C-Roads Platforms. Its goal is to produce an overview of the general scenario of C-ITS development across European urban environments, aiming to better understand the challenges, technological preferences and policy strategies during C-ITS urban deployment. With that purpose, 27 cities were sought through a questionnaire to provide information regarding several aspects, such as city identification and characterization, specifications followed, communication plans and stage of development. In addition to that, the cities were asked to assess the importance and expectations concerning the benefits that would come from the implementation of the C-ITS policies. Results showed that the cities are strongly diverse in terms of road network design, and technological infrastructure and, consequently, experience different policy goals and C-ITS stages of maturity. The outcomes from this paper may support further research studies concerning the strategy behind C-ITS urban deployment and its relation to the city policy goals as well as the benefits of C-ITS systems.

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