
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation of lime and microbial organic fertilizer on the growth, yield and economic efficiency of watermelon. The experiment was carried out on the acid sulfate soil in Phung Hiep district, Hau Giang province, arranged in a randomized complete block design with four treatments and three replicates, in which treatment NT1 was application of fertilize according to farmers, without lime and microbial organic fertilizer, treatment NT2 was supplementation of 800 kg of lime/ha; treatment NT3 was supplementation of 2,000 kg of microbial organic fertilizer/ha; treatment NT4 was supplementation of 800 kg of lime in combination with 2,000 kg of microbial organic fertilizer/ha. The results showed that lime supplementation combined with microbial organic fertilizer increased the yield of watermelon compared to alone application of lime or microbial organic fertilizer, and the income was increased by 13.8%, compared to fertilizer application of farmer without supplementation of lime or microbial organic fertilizer. To increase yield and income of watermelon on acid sulfate soils, it is recommended that 800 kg of lime should be applied in combination with 2,000 kg of microbial organic fertilizer/ha.

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