
Bullying is a model of social behaviour that develops and escalates if notrecognized and accordingly addressed. Bullying can be verbal, physical, or cyberbullying. The causes of bullying and violence in schools are peers’ physical deficiencies, gender, social inequality, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity, gender identity. The impact of bullying on personal development can be substantial and include lowered self-esteem, anxiety, greater levels of depression, fear, school refusal, isolation, and even suicide. When analysing bullying situations in schools, the social context must be taken into account. Attention should be shifted from perceiving bullying as a relationship between two persons (perpetrator and victim) to perceiving bullying as a process involving and affecting bystanders – students who are present in bullying situations and taking certain roles towards it. Even apparent neutrality in bullying situations does not mean non-intervention, as non-reaction could be associated with the passive support of the bully. In deciding whether to sand up for the victim, students must consider their existing relationships, their position in the classroom, and their ability to influence the process. In addition, there is a fear that each of the victim’s defenders can become the next victim.The actions, behaviour and attitudes of bystanders can both increase and decrease the level of bullying. The study aims to explore the trends and challenges regarding the role and impact of bystanders in bullying situations in schools. Research suggests that targeting bystanders and giving them the tools and encouragement to intervene should be an integral component of bullying interventions.

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