
The first identified chieftain of the Porsukids was Porsuk, who served in the service of the Great Saldjūḳid Empire. Amīr Porsuk was brought to the governorship of Baghdād by Sulṭān Ṭoghril-Beg (451/1059), participated in the Battle of Manzikert with Sulṭān Alp Arslan, and was appointed to the conquest of Anatolia by Sulṭān Malikshāh. After Porsuk, who passed away in 490 (1094), his son Porsuk of the same name also entered the service of Sultan Barkyaruq and Muḥammad Tapar. He also assumed important responsibilities in the djihād campaign against the Crusaders. He was defeated by the Crusaders at Tell-Danīs (509/1115). Porsuk, who was very upset about this, died a few months later (510/1116). The Porsukids played an important role in the Irāḳ politics of the Saldjūḳids. This article discusses the services of the Porsukids to the Saldjūḳids.

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