
The musical film, “The Heart that Sings” (2011), written and directed by Robin Saex Garbose, is part of a genre of films created by and for Orthodox Jewish women. Heart provides a case study that illustrates the depth and breadth of Lubavitch Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s (1902-1994) influence on Jews and Jewish life well beyond his own community members. Schneerson’s outreach work via his shlichim, or emissaries, to unobservant Jews is well-recognized. The extent and nuance of his influence on a broad cross-section of Jews, however, has yet to be fully traced. Heart tells its viewers that Jewish women from all backgrounds can create an empowered, unified community, if religiously observant, Orthodox practices are in place, perpetuating Schneerson’s message with a feminist bent and musical twist.


  • The musical film The Heart that Sings (2011), written and directed by Robin Saex Garbose, is part of a genre of films created by and for Orthodox Jewish American women

  • Heart tells its viewers that Jewish women from all backgrounds can create an empowered, unified community, if religiously observant, Orthodox practices are in place, perpetuating Schneerson’s message with a feminist bent and musical twist

  • Heart has, according to Garbose, been well-received overall, garnering criticism primarily from those who object to her insistence on marketing it as intended for a female-only audience

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The musical film The Heart that Sings (2011), written and directed by Robin Saex Garbose, is part of a genre of films created by and for Orthodox Jewish American women (referred to as the “by and for women” genre).

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