
The apparel market in India is swiftly developing with a change in consumer tastes towards branded apparel. Indian apparel consumers have become highly brand conscious. The focus of this research was on women apparel buyers because women are becoming increasingly independent in making their choices due to their increased education levels, increased purchasing power, their relative freedom from parental or spouse intervention in exercising their shopping style. The main objective of the research was to find out if there was any significant difference on the overall shopping experience of apparels among and within the different groups of women respondents with respect certain demographical aspects such as age, education level, occupation, marital status, frequency of purchase and perceptual aspects such as perceived store atmosphere and perceived brand image that may influence the overall shopping experience of women apparel buyers are examined. In order to examine and compare the group differences between the respondents, a univariate GLM was used and to find where the differences lie between the individual groups, Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD) post hoc test was carried out using IMB® SPSS Statistics®. It was found from the analysis that there is be a significant difference in the satisfaction among different age groups of women on the overall shopping experience of apparels buying and it was also found that there is be a significant difference on shopping experience among women in different professions.The findings of this research can be strategically implemented into apparel marketing scheme by apparel manufacturers and retailers.

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