
ABSTRACTThis paper, which presents an annotated checklist of the nymphalid subfamily Heliconiinae, is the fifth in a series on the butterfly fauna of Mount Kilimanjaro. Three genera of Heliconiinae (Acraea, Phalanta, Issoria), with a total of 12 included species, are known or believed to occur within the main forest zone, from ca 1800 to 2800 m. Of these, only two species (Acraea acuta, Issoria hanningtoni) may be restricted locally to this primary forest. The lower slopes fauna, below 1800 m, is considerably richer, with a total of four genera and 33 confirmed species listed (10 of which species extend into the forest zone). Possible additional species of Acraea, including some doubtful earlier records, are noted and discussed. An identification key to the genera of Heliconiinae that occur in Tanzania, together with a key to the adults of all heliconiine species considered to occur or likely to occur on Kilimanjaro, with 280 colour images, are included as online Supplementary Information.

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