
Poland; e-mail: marcins@uwb.edu.pl Abstract: Kampinos National Park is the second largest protected area in Poland and therefore a potentially important stronghold for biodiversity in the Mazovia region. However it has been abandoned as an area of lepidopterological studies for a long time. A total number of 80 butterfly species were recorded during inventory studies (2005–2008), which proved the occurrence of 80 species (81.6% of species recorded in the Mazovia voivodeship and about half of Polish fauna), including 7 from the European Red Data Book and 15 from the national red list (8 protected by law). Several xerothermophilous species have probably become extinct in the last few decades (Colias myrmidone, Pseudophilotes vicrama, Melitaea aurelia, Hipparchia statilinus, H. alcyone ), or are endangered in the KNP and in the region (e.g. Maculinea arion, Melitaea didyma), due to afforestation and spontaneous succession. Higrophilous butterflies have generally suffered less from recent changes in land use, but action to stop the deterioration of their habitats is urgently needed. Lycaena dispar, Maculinea teleius and M. alcon are still quite widespread but L. helle and Euphydras aurinia were recorded on single sites only. However, Maculinea nausithous was observed only in 2005 and has probably just disappeared from the KNP. Despite the aforementioned losses, the Kampinos Forest deserves to be added to the list of the Prime Butterfly Areas in Europe. Key words: butterflies, biodiversity, Kampinos National Park, fauna of Poland, endangered species

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