
ABSTRACT In 2009 and 2010, a butterfly and skipper survey was conducted at Franklin Parker Preserve (FPP) located within Woodland Township, Burlington County, New Jersey. This survey was part of the joint cooperation between the American Entomological Society and the New Jersey Conservation Foundation and funded by a Research Experience for Undergraduates grant. Franklin Parker Preserve is located in the center of the Pine Barrens, where insect fauna has not been strongly studied and inventoried, specifically with the Lepidoptera fauna. Through this survey, fifty-three butterfly and skipper species have been documented to occur on Franklin Parker Preserve property. Time of year and abundance of these species were recorded. Three Species of Special Concern listed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection were found at FPP: Callophrys hesseli Rawson & Ziegler (Hessel's Hairstreak) Euphyes bimacula Grote & Robinson (Two-Spotted Skipper) and Hesperia attalus Edwards (Dotted Skipper.) This paper...

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