
Butein is a flavonoid found in many plants, including dahlia, butea, and coreopsis, and has both antioxidant and sirtuin-activating activities. In light of the postulated role of free radicals in aging, we examined the effects of butein on aging and on genetic or nutritional models of age-related diseases in Caenorhabditis elegans. Butein showed radical scavenging activity and increased resistance to oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans. The mean lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans was significantly increased by butein, from 22.7 days in the untreated control to 25.0 days in the butein-treated group. However, the lifespan-extending effect of butein was accompanied by reduced production of progeny as a trade-off. Moreover, the age-related decline in motility was delayed by butein supplementation. Genetic analysis showed that the lifespan-extending effect of butein required the autophagic protein BEC-1 and the transcription factor DAF-16 to regulate stress response and aging. At the genetic level, expression of the DAF-16 downstream target genes hsp-16.2 and sod-3 was induced in butein-treated worms. Butein additionally exhibited a preventive effect in models of age-related diseases. In an Alzheimer's disease model, butein treatment significantly delayed the paralysis caused by accumulation of amyloid-beta in muscle, which requires SKN-1, not DAF-16. In a high-glucose-diet model of diabetes mellitus, butein markedly improved survival, requiring both SKN-1 and DAF-16. In a Parkinson's disease model, dopaminergic neurodegeneration was completely inhibited by butein supplementation and the accumulation of α-synuclein was significantly reduced. These findings suggest the use of butein as a novel nutraceutical compound for aging and age-related diseases.

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