
A complex Business Transformation Project (BTP) needs a qualified Business Transformation Manager (BTM) to manage the complex implementation and integration of an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system. A BTM must be assisted with a tuneable framework for the integration of a plethora of EAM's types of problems and business requirements [1]. EAM tooling support for such systems is one of the foci of the authors' business transformation research project that started in the year 2010. In this research paper, the authors try to prove that the BTM must be supported by a framework to help him or her (in further text for simplicity he) with the EAM integration process. The authors apply an adequate mixed research methodology, design and prototyping that are based on a realworld framework named the Applied Mathematical Model (AMM); used to build and assess this research subproject's hypothesis. The EAM is considered to be the research subproject's implementation and its technical and managerial benefit. This current phase's objective is to offer a framework with EAM capacities. The implementation of this research and the proposed framework offer a neural networks reasoning module that supports an implementation environment that has to cope with complex EAMs and as a result, it proposes a proof of concept to prove its feasibility [2].

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