
The substance of the problems faced by partners, one of which relates to aspects of human resource communication. The group of housewives who are members of the community group "YUNI PHEA" still holds on to their own egos and finds it difficult to work as an effective team, participants still prioritize individual interests (super man) and sometimes ignore the importance of working as a team (super team). In addition, the production capacity produced by the group of housewives is still limited due to production equipment such as sewing machines which are still inadequate in terms of quantity and quality and members still use the machines owned by their fellow members and are old enough to cause limitations in terms of production and market. share that has not been clearly identified and promotional efforts that have not been optimal. Indicators of the success of this service activity include increased production capacity by 90%, production results are neater and have quality variations, increased partner turnover of at least 90%, and increased business competitiveness of at least 90%.

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