
O'FARRELL P. N. and MOFFAT L. A. R. (1995) Business services and their impact upon client performance: an exploratory interregional analysis, Reg. Studies 29, 111–124. Despite the importance of knowledge-intensive business services to economic development at the national, regional and firm level, there is scant evidence as to their effectiveness. This paper discusses the impact over 200 individual external business services upon the performance of client manufacturing plants in two regions, Scotland and the South East of England. The empirical research examines client satisfaction and also indicates that it is feasible to directly quantify the impact of these services on client performance in half of the cases. The results suggest that there are limited interregional differences in business service impact and evaluation. O'FARRELL P. N. et MOFFAT L. A. R. (1995) Les services aux entreprises et leur impact sur la performance du client: une analyse exploratoire interregionale, Reg. Studies 29, 111–124. En d...

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