
Contradictions of the development of Ukrainian society in the post-Soviet period are manifested, firstly: in such phenomena, which are negative for conducting business, such as corruption, the “shadow” economy, the absence, at the legislative level, of a regulated mechanism of property relations, and, secondly,
 in aspirations to become a member of the European Union, with its democratic and universal values.
 When it comes to the harmonization of domestic legislation with the EU acquis, it is worth noting that the specific features of the development of a certain community, its legal awareness and legal culture are reflected in legal relations. This contradiction requires a rational understanding of the peculiarities of the historical development of Ukrainian society.
 Modern EU society is liberal. A universal feature of liberalism, a system of economic relations, is freedom, which is based on the right to own the means of production.
 During the 20th century the influence of the mechanism of economic relations on a person, as a subject of his own rights, increased. Therefore, the state policy, coordinated with international law, is designed to ensure the protection of human rights from abuses of the business environment.
 The social dimension of economic phenomena and processes is manifested through the prism of economic and legal research, thanks to which cause-and-effect relationships, effectiveness and expediency of the adoption of this or that normative-legal act are clarified. A comprehensive analysis of socio-economic processes, while preserving the essential unity of legal phenomena and economic institutions, contributes to an objective assessment of the social effectiveness of individual legal norms, the role of the law, its interaction with such spheres of social life as economy, politics, culture, etc.
 At the end of 2013, the then President of Ukraine’s refusal to sign the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU led to large-scale protests against the authorities. Subsequently, not agreeing with the independent choice of the people of Ukraine, the leadership of the Russian Federation resorted to military aggression.
 At the same time, having lost control over part of the territory and having suffered economic and demographic losses, the authorities and society of Ukraine remained consistent supporters of democratic values and European choices.

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