
During the past ten years, there were certain changes affecting corporate governance, and development of SME sector. In 2004, the new Law on Enterprises was adopted, which far better regulates matters of company law, including corporate governance. The above situation caused a foundation to start the massive use of the name 'business plan', which is more recent and can be correlated with the arrival of foreign financial institutions and the inflow of foreign capital into the market of the Republic of Serbia. Business plans are often used in the SME sector to find the options for financing the venture. Business plan indicates the obstacles that stand in the venture and suggests alternative routes. A business plan is and must be a necessary part of corporate governance, in which the Board shall conduct the assessment, comparison and adjustment of business plans. And certainly a time will come when correct and realistic business plans will be in the complete function of corporate governance, not only for obtaining funds. The role of business plan (at the level of Sandzak) should be more emphasized to a greater extent in the short term benefit, especially long-term funding from a number of funds, especially the future accession of EU funds.


  • E often used in the SME sector to find the options for financing the venture

  • Zakon o privrednim društvima je po svom kvalitetu na zadovoljavajućem nivou, ali se osnovni problem nalazi u sprovođenju zakona

  • Kodeks Korporativnog Upravljanja A.D. Metalac, Septembar 2007, str

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Ekonomski izazovi

BIZNIS PLAN KAO INSTRUMENT FINANSIRANJA RASTA I RAZVOJA MSP I KORPORATIVNOG SEKTORA SANDŽAKA. Apstrakt Prethodnih deset godina došlo je do izvesnih promena koje utiču na korporativno upravljanje i razvoj MSP sektora. Poslovni (biznis) planovi se najčešće u MSP sektoru upotrebljavaju za iznalaženje opcija za finansiranje poslovnog poduhvata. Biznis plan jeste i mora biti nužan deo korporativnog upravljanja, u kojem Odbori treba da vrše procenu, upoređivanje i korekciju poslovnih planova. I sigurno da će doći vreme kada će korektni i realni biznis planovi biti u funkciji potpunog korporativnog upravljanja a ne samo za dobijanja finansijskih sredstava. Uloga biznis plana (na nivou Sandžaka) mora biti više potencirana kako bi se u što većoj meri iskoristila kratkoročna, a posebno dugoročna sredstva iz brojnih fondova, naročito budućih pristupnih fondova Evropske Unije. Ključne reči: Biznis plan, MSP sektor, Korporativno upravljanje, Finansiranje, Rast i Razvoj, Fond za razvoj

Koncept MSPvs korporativni sektor
Do milion eura
Pojam i značaj biznis plana za msp sektor i korporativno upravljanje
Dugoro čni kredit
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