
Traditional financial reporting primarily discloses information about assets, equity, liabilities and financial situation of an enterprise. Simultaneously, socio-economic changes are prompting enterprises to implement business reporting towards disclosing activities for sustainable development and information about the business model in non-financial reporting. Shaping of an enterprise’s business model is carried out in the spirit of sustainable development, which is beginning to dominate the strategies of many large enterprises. At the same time, the concept of the business model and its reporting have still not been characterized in detail or standardized, which limits transparency and the usefulness of information. These phenomena provided an incentive to undertake the research on the business model reporting. The overall goal of this study is to expand research on disclosures about the business model in the corporate reporting of Polish listed companies, as well as to indicate the degree and directions of development of this subject against the background of the accounting system. The study also addresses the epistemological goal by entering the discussion on reporting about the business model. The research uses the financial statement content analysis method and the statistical method (Spearman’s correlation). The scope of disclosures about the business model are examined in integrated reports, consolidated reports, management reports, non-financial data reports and CSR reports of Polish companies listed on the stock market. This information is examined according to its four main components: inputs, business activities, outputs and outcomes. The correlation between the number of audited disclosures and selected economic and similar parameters characterizing enterprises (total assets, performance, board, EBITda, equity and liabilities) is also studied. The research reveals that entities preparing an integrated report demonstrate a greater number of disclosures of business model components in selected economic categories than entities that do not prepare such a report. Thus, the companies preparing an integrated report follow the mainstream of stakeholder theory, opting for a more descriptive reporting approach, accessible to a wider group of users. Moreover, business model information is often reported in a highly random manner. Simultaneously, descriptive forms of business model disclosure prevail over numerical ones, although not to a large degree. The findings also confirm that there is a positive correlation between the detail of disclosures about the business model and selected economic parameters of an enterprise (the strongest with total assets, board and EBITda). Thus, it becomes possible to recognize that large enterprises with a strong and stable structure of assets follow specific, more detailed reporting patterns aimed at sustainable development of reporting. At the same time, they are more likely to expand the scope of disclosures compared to smaller enterprises. This investigation responds to the interest of enterprises and other stakeholders in the reporting spectrum by increasing market information efficiency and transparency. Findings can also be used by standards setters, while providing new rules and regulations.


  • The primary objective of business reporting is to disclose information about the economic results of business activity

  • Research on the number of disclosures about business model (BM) in surveyed companies indicate that the enterprises that prepared an integrated report

  • During the content analysis of reports in terms of disclosures about the BM, it was found that the description of the BM of enterprises preparing the integrated report is more comprehensive and clearer

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The primary objective of business reporting is to disclose information about the economic results of business activity. An important objective is to communicate about the broadly understood activity of enterprises, in the field of sustainable development. All this is carried out to meet the increasingly sophisticated and selective needs of an increasing group of enterprises’ reporting stakeholders. The scope of information requirements among stakeholders interested in such information is growing In this context, there are changes in the perception of the company, especially its impact on the local economy, community, environment and sustainable development. From a position of one of many elements in the goods and services delivery process, enterprises are becoming significant organisms that may shape their environment This assumption is in line with the theory of sustainable development.

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