
Background. Modern information systems, designed to facilitate the adoption of optimal solutions, should provide information in a convenient, meaningful form. Processing, transformation and conversion of information to an accessible, visual form is provided by means of Business Intelligence (BI). Business Intelligence are methods and means of presenting raw information in a meaningful and convenient form, easily accessible to perception and capable of making the right decisions. Aims and Objectives. The analysis of the performance of a mechanized well stock, operated by NK «Rosneft» PJSC and supervised by RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC is presented. The level of information usage in decision making in NK «Rosneft» PJSC often does not exceed 20 %, which is explained by its large volume and heterogeneity of the presentation, leading to the complexity of its perception. Results. The principles of implementing BI in the developed tools of analytics are given, where five stages of work with information are distinguished: 1. Information search, loading and storage of the initial information; 2. Interactive analytical processing of information; 3. Warning of deviation from expected results; 4. Business analytics; 5. Business reporting. The implemented tools of regular and flexible accounting are considered. Means for the formation of monthly regulatory reports help to reduce the labor costs for their formation from several days to minutes. The introduction of standardized approaches to the calculation of key performance indicators will facilitate the possibility of their comparison between the various structures of NK «Rosneft» PJSC. Transition from «manual» to automated calculation of a number of parameters will increase their accuracy, which will positively affect the efficiency of the work of NK «Rosneft» PJSC in a whole.

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