
is no more a dearth of information with business organization incorporating ICT at core of its business structure. The amount of data available has been enormously increasing with business growth, hence determining patterns and trends out of substantial data is a challenge. The mining technologies are used by the organization to quest limitless data for crucial insight and knowledge. Web, Data, and Text mining are the important tools applied by the organization to automate finding hidden patterns to formulate policies and achieve competitive advantages in all functional business areas. Through mining techniques applied on various data repositories, the business intelligence systems along with analytical tools could present valuable and competitive information to the planners so as to develop new avenues for business growth. The usage of text, data, and web mining is discussed in this paper with a witness that how it can address business leadership and risk management, and enhance business intelligence. General Terms Your general terms must be any term which can be used for general classification of the submitted material such as Pattern Recognition, Security, Algorithms et. al.

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