
Reviews the most important Danish business information sources with particular reference to those found in the annual Danish Database Directory: INFOSCAN; the Library Directory (Biblioteksvejviser) and the Guide to Special Libraries. Describes the activities of business libraries and information centres in Denmark in terms of the long tradition of service to business and industry practised by Danish academic and special libraries. Lists the most important business information libraries in Denmark, outlining the provision of business information by public libraries, information brokers and consultants, and other business information suppliers. Includes notes on specializations and details of addresses, telephone, fax and electronic mail numbers. Lists sources of information about the European Community, Danish newspapers covering business, trade and industry, and relevant newsletters. Concludes with a case study outlining the development of new business information services in the city of ørhus, citing statistics on use of the Business Information Service at ørhus Public Library, and the activities of the Business Information Centre at the Science Park, ørhus.

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