
In social life, there are often differences in perceptions between humans, causing problems or disputes, whether minor or serious. Likewise in the relationship of economic activities or more commonly known as business relations. Not infrequently humans experience a clash and differences of opinion that lead to disputes. Various problems will always arise in business as long as humans run their business solely for profit, so there are often differences of opinion because the parties will not be harmed which will eventually lead to disputes. In the end, dispute resolution, especially business disputes, is often resolved through a trial in court through a lawsuit by one of the parties who feel aggrieved. However, what was expected from the settlement turned out to be unsatisfactory for the parties because the settlement through litigation sometimes took a long time to obtain legal certainty so that it actually harmed business people because of the loss of time, energy and materials. As an alternative to resolving business disputes, business actors have a tendency to avoid disputes in court and choose to use mediation or through arbitration institutions. This study will briefly describe the comparison of business dispute resolution through court mediation with settlement through arbitration institutions. The research was conducted through descriptive empirical legal research.

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