
The article is dedicated to defining the concept of business discourse, which is a type of institutional discourse and purposeful status role-playing. Institutional business discourse is a complex, multidimensional discourse where each area has its own, innate only addressee and addressee, communication goals and objectives, interaction situations, goals, and strategies for achieving them.The article will also present the system of business discourse genres, which is relevant in the communication of specialists in management, marketing, economics, trade, business and other fields. A system of genres can only exist in a professional activity in which "the word is a professional tool." The article will discuss such genres of institutional business discourse as: business conversation, business negotiation, business meetings, which are referred to in a number of modern scientific publications as so-called "complex speech events".Each genre of business speech has its own specific communication task and purpose (reasoning, thought-making, decision-making, etc.), but at the same time, these tasks and goals are close to the fact that it is the business tasks and goals that are professionals and businessmen Professional communication of a professional circle.These goals and objectives are often intertwined and complement each other. The article will present three types of business discourse: employment discourse, operational interaction and staff discourse, and three levels of business discourse analysis algorithm.

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