
Everything an information security practitioner deals with requires some form of testing to ensure that the information technology or resource is within configuration specifications. This applies to ensuring that business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) plans are documented and executable as per the business continuity strategy and that the capabilities are deployed as part of an overall business continuity program for the enterprise. Testing BC/DR plans is done with regard to justifying the economic benefit of having BC/DR capabilities in place. A company that decides not to test its BC/DR plans will not know if those capabilities and documented procedures will work during a disaster and thus risk survivability of the enterprise. The information security professional may be asked to assume the role of testing coordinator or facilitator. This role, in most organizations, is responsible for coordinating and facilitating testing of all BC/DR plans, which requires a thorough understanding of the plans to ensure that the business continuity policy will be met, attaining appropriate funding for the overall testing of these plans, identifying the types of testing that should be conducted, scheduling testing to minimize its impact on business operations, and developing scenario-based test plans that clearly state the scope, purpose, and objective for testing.

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