
This research aims to find out the process of making bamboo crafts in Loyok Village, Sikur, East Lombok, to find out the materials and tools used to make bamboo crafts in Loyok Village, Sikur, East Lombok and to find out what types of bamboo woven crafts there are in the village. Loyok, Sikur, East Lombok. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of the research obtained by the researchers were knowing the process of making bamboo crafts in Loyok Village, Sikur, East Lombok, the types of woven bamboo craft products in Loyok Village, Sikur, East Lombok are Ponjol, Lompak, And Dedungki, and the process of making woven bamboo crafts is the process of selecting bamboo and processing bamboo, namely felling bamboo, cutting bamboo, slicing bamboo, painting bamboo slices and nembeq.

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