
The article analyses optimal bus stop locations under different network congestion levels applying a bi-level optimisation model, covering an upper level minimizing an overall cost function (Social Cost) and a lower level that includes a modal split assignment model. This model is applied to Santander city (Spain) under a range of demand levels, starting from very low to high congestion, representing the evolution of variables in each case and analysing different solutions. The optimal distances between stops obtained for each demand and congestion level indicate that very low demands produce wider spaces. However, as demand increases, accessibility to public transport service should be increased and then spacing between bus stops drops to 360 metres. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip nustatyti optimalią autobuso stotelės vietą (nuotolį), esant skirtingiems transporto grūsties lygiams. Taikomas dviejų lygmenų optimizavimo modelis, kuris aukštesniame lygmenyje iki minimumo sumažina bendrąsias (socialines) išlaidas, o žemesniajame – vertina transporto rūšių pasiskirstymo modelį. Šis modelis naudojamas Santandero mieste (Ispanija), kuriame transporto priemonių poreikiai grūsties atveju svyruoja nuo labai mažo iki didelio ir kiekvieną kartą reškia kintamųjų kaitą, analizuojant skirtingus sprendimus. Kiekvienu atveju tarp stotelių gauti optimalūs nuotoliai rodo, kad labai maži transportavimo poreikiai ir grūsties lygis sukuria daugiau erdvės. Tačiau, jiems didėjant, turėtų padidėti ir galimybės naudotis viešuoju transportu. Tokiu atveju nuotoliai tarp autobusų stotelių mažėja iki 360 metrų. Резюме Исследуется проблема определения конкретного расстояния (месторасположения) между автобусными остановками при разных уровнях транспортных заторов. Для этого используется оптимизационная модель, благодаря которой снижаются до минимума обобщенные (социальные) расходы, а также учитывается модель распределения типов транспорта. Данная модель нашла практическое применение в испанском городе Сантандер. В этом городе потребность в транспортных средствах во время заторов изменяется от очень маленького до очень большого значения и каждый раз по-своему влияет на значения переменных, что затрудняет анализ и принятие решения. Оптимальные расстояния между остановками, полученные в каждом случае, показывают, что малая потребность в транспортировании и малый уровень заторов создают большее пространство. А при их возрастании потребность в общественном транспорте также должна увеличиваться. В этом случае расстояния между автобусными остановками уменьшаются до 360 метров.


  • The physical and operational design of an urban transit system has been looked at from the routing point of view, frequencies and necessary or available eet size

  • The correct management of all these factors is essential in any e cient usage of available resources, it is true that when introducing a new public transport system into urban space or modifying the existing one, the location of bus stops, and walking time, takes on special relevance (Vedagiri, Arasan 2009)

  • A bi-level optimization model is proposed to solve the problem of macroscopic bus stop locations. e upper level of the model minimizes a cost function (Z) made up of user costs (UC) and operator costs (OC); a lower level containing a modal split assignment model takes into account the in uence of private tra c and congestion on the movement of public transport vehicles (Ibeas et al 2010)

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The physical and operational design of an urban transit system has been looked at from the routing point of view, frequencies and necessary or available eet size. Chien and Qin (2004) developed a model applied to a public transport route with demand not distributed uniformly along the entire route and more realistic than previous work, in which the number of stops was calculated with the minimized overall cost and performed sensitivity analysis with respect to various parameters (users’ value of time, speed of accessing service and demand density). Dell’Olio et al (2006) proposes a combined optimization model for frequencies and bus stop spacing which, for the rst time, considers the importance of bus capacity constraints, using a xed and known public transport trip matrix. Is model complements preceding research that may be applied to the entire, real public transport network under any demand structure; it considers elastic demand for evaluating variations in modal split as a function of the nal bus stop location and models congestion on the public transport system, thereby increasing its applicability E proposed model is based on one made by Ibeas et al (2010) performing sensitivity analysis by applying those to di erent scenarios depending on the level of demand and network congestion. is model complements preceding research that may be applied to the entire, real public transport network under any demand structure; it considers elastic demand for evaluating variations in modal split as a function of the nal bus stop location and models congestion on the public transport system, thereby increasing its applicability

Proposed Model
Application to a Real Network
Analysis and Discussion of Results
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