
We present the architecture for burst level congestion control (BLCC) in ATM networks which is well suited for bursty self-similar traffic. The architecture is based upon pre-planned virtual path (PVP) set and preassigned maximal permitted route rates (MPR). The PVP set and MPR are engineered to meet QoS requirements of multi-service demand. The suggested burst level control maintains the maximal rate of cell admission on any PVP below its MPR. This is done at each PVP's source node by regulating bursts admission and by reserving the burst peak rate for each admitted burst. The reservation can be performed very fast since it is done at PVP's source node without any communication with other nodes. The MPR and PVP set are adjusted in a relatively slow, for instance hourly, timeframe adapting to the changes in the demand. The paper also presents an efficient technique for multiclass QoS engineering of burst admission that can be applied to engineer networks with large number of nodes and service classes.

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