
We have detected 351 male, 205 female names on 1571 tombstones in Bursa city center, 3 of them are from the 14th century, 159 from 15th century, 309 from 16th century, 63 from 17th century 244 from 18th century, 547 from the 19th century, 191 from the 20th century of Ottoman and 55 from Republic periods. 81% of these are in Arabic, 04% are in Farsi and 03% are in Turkish. The first 10 male and female names in Bursa and the other centers we have compared are the same even though the ordering differs. Most of them are Arabic, some are Hebrew originated. Obviously this was the case happening since the 16th century. The use of more than one word as male and female name starts in 18th century and widespread in 19th. The ratio in Bursa is lower. The lowness of the use of the first five names in Bursa shows the name diversity in Bursa compared to the other centers. There are 8 foundation, 15 religious order, 18 mosque, 1 bazaar, 1 factory, 1 public bath, 1 military academy, 1 cultivation center, 2 forts, 6 madrasahs, 14 dervish lodge, 6 schools, 1 hotel, 2 mausoleum names are recorded in Bursa. There lived people from all over the Ottoman States, considering the 174 place names, which 80 of these are out from Turkey, 94 are from Turkey. Writing the reason for the death and the age of the deceased is rare, the ratio of this between Bursa and other centers are close. Writing the jobs of the deceased in Bursa is less than the other places. Still, with 147 different jobs, it is more than the others. These are mostly public officers. The low ratio of the 208 family names in Bursa shows the decay of the family name depending on urbanization. The use of titles such as aga, bey, efendi, hanim, hatun is common in Turkey in general. Bursa is one of the places where this ratio is lower.

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