
Data are organized in two independent files: (1) “Burrowing_Owl_Data.xlsx” records all the information of burrowing owls ringed during a monitoring program at Bahia Blanca (Argentina) during the breeding seasons 2005/2006 - 2017/2018. Each line corresponds to one individual. The dataset includes the year of birth and the year of first resight, the natal dispersal distance, the sex, the flight initiation distance (FID) and the breeding productivity both in the first breeding attempt and during the entire life for each individual. We also provide information about the habitat type, the conspecific density and the conspecific productivity both for their natal area and for their first breeding territory.-- (2) “dispnatalsurvival.inp” records the recaptures of each marked burrowing owls during a continuous monitoring program, grouped by sex and habitat. Each line corresponds to one individual. The first 11 columns represent the history of life of the individuals by years (with 0 = no resight and 1= resight). The following 4 columns are the groups (urban males, urban females, rural males, rural females), and the last column is the natal dispersal distance (log transformed) covered by each burrowing owl.

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