
The work presents a pressing problem for doctors of any specialty — burnout syndrome. It is important to be able to prevent the development of burnout and overcome it correctly. Rationale. This problem is generally recognized. Meanwhile, in the literature these issues are reflected somewhat scat teredly; there is no systematization. Purpose. Considering the sources by Russian and foreign authors aimed at studying the relationship between doctors’ burnout and the coping strategies that they use. Methods. A literature search of Russian and foreign authors was carried out; the obtained data were analyzed and summarized. Results. In the course of working with a patient, the doctor is involved in this process not only as a specialist demonstrating his/her professional skills and curing this or that pathological condition, but also becomes involved emotionally. Moreover, if, when working with a patient, the doctor is emotionally invested in the situation more than the patient himself/herself and chooses an interpretative or paternalistic model of relationship, this will contribute to the development of burnout and, over time, in the absence of preventive measures, lead to the burnout progression. In this regard, a doctor of any specialty must remember it and select these models of interaction with the patient as a last resort and for a short time, or use these models at the very beginning of the disease, when the patient cannot yet accept his/her new condition. A major role in resolving this issue is played by informing specialists about the early signs of burnout and risk factors, getting emotional support from colleagues and management, and taking training sessions aimed at acquiring skills to cope with stressful situations. Conclusion. Despite the fact that burnout has been known and actively studied for many years, and that there has been some success in solving this issue, the problem is still relevant in modern society among specialists whose work activities are carried out in the person-to-person sphere, primarily among doctors. The use of coping strategies will improve the level of psychological health of the employee and the effectiveness of the provided assistance and reduce the prevalence of iatrogenics.

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