
IntroductionPrompt management of burn-related globe trauma can prevent long term complications. Delays in diagnosis may occur when globe trauma is associated with life-threatening injuries. We aimed to improve the understanding of the epidemiology, acute assessment and management of burns-related globe and adnexal trauma admitted to two trauma centres in Sydney, Australia. MethodAdmitted patients with burns-related globe and/or adnexal trauma were retrospectively reviewed at Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) between January 2015 and December 2019. The International Classification of Disease, Tenth Revision codes was used to search and identify patients. Medical records were reviewed to extract data on demographics, injuries, ocular examination and ophthalmology involvement. ResultsOver the 5-years, 101 patients with globe and/or adnexal burns-related trauma were admitted to RNSH or RPAH. Median age was 37years. Most patients were male (76%) and were injured while at home or work (74%). Patients with chemical exposure were more likely to have globe trauma (100% vs 72%, p < 0.001) and severe globe trauma (54% vs 32%, p = 0.028). On initial review by emergency staff, 14 patients were not referred to ophthalmology, of these there were 2 patients where the diagnosis was delayed. ConclusionGlobe trauma is common in patients with chemical exposure. Thorough ocular assessment within the acute setting is vital to diagnose globe trauma. We investigated hospitals with specialised burn staff, further research is required to understand the management of globe trauma in hospitals without such resources. SynopsisChemicals in household-products can cause severe globe trauma. Globe trauma can occur alongside large burns leading to delay in its diagnosis and management. Ophthalmology can assist in the early diagnosis and management of globe trauma.

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