
The representation of Burgos in the official news reels of the state-controlled agency, Noticiarios y Documentales (NO-DO) [News and Documentaries], is studied through the political news reels released during the years of Francoism (1939-1975). The topics covered, their treatment, and their changes are determined through a qualitative methodology. It is seen through this investigation that the presence of Burgos in the NO-DO was closely related to the official trips of Franco, whose appearances are linked to anniversaries of the regime, official inaugurations, and the «welfare State». The city, transformed into an imposing scenario, was transcendent as a «place of memory» and the bulwark of the essence of the regime. This imaginary, with a startlingly ideological component, would be reinforced by the constant memory of Burgos, as the capital of the crusade during the Civil War. The image of an industrial and modern Burgos would emerge from the new context of Francoist economic development, in the style of the messages that then dominated the official propaganda.

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