
Aim. To prove the facts of inefficiency of application of bureaucratic type of organizational structure of management, lack of its influence on economic growth in the conditions of growing global economic uncertainty. Objectives. To systematize the negative features of the bureaucratic model of management, reflected in the works of researchers of the XX century (among them - E. Downs, M. Crozier, B. Guy Peters, D. Flemming, V. Wriston, L. O’Tol), in particular, the lack of flexibility to external uncertain conditions, slow reengineering of business processes under the current realities of economic reality, the lack of motivation to develop the innovative potential of the subject; to study the impact of strong bureaucratic management on economic growth in the works of scientists of the late XX century. (P. Evans, D. Rauch); to reveal the contradiction in the XX century studies and prove that the bureaucratic organizational structure of management has a fading, sometimes stagnating influence on economic growth in the conditions of increasing economic uncertainty.Results. The paper investigated and found that the theory of the influence of the bureaucratic model on economic growth is confirmed on the example of 1960-2000. However, since the 2000s, which is proved in the research process, the bureaucratic organizational structure of management has a waning, sometimes stagnant effect on economic growth under conditions of increasing economic uncertainty. Consequently, bureaucratization of processes and bureaucratic organization is unable to respond to uncertainty. This is because the transition to the new century is marked by the introduction of the antipatterns of bureaucracy: digital technologies, artificial intelligence economy, flexible methods focused on situational management.Conclusions. The results revealed in this study prove the necessity of choosing a different type of organizational structure, not based on the bureaucratic model, in the conditions of permanent crisis and increasing uncertainty in the economy

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