
Abstract Aflatoxins (AFTs) are genotoxic and carcinogenic food contaminants causing hepatocellular carcinoma, the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. In 2015, WHO estimated the burden of disease associated with exposure to AFTs and concluded that this exposure corresponds to 636,869 Disability-adjusted Life Years (DALYs) at global level. Particularly for Portugal and recently, there were estimated 0.08-0.30 DALYs/100,000 considering consumption and occurrence in food data, and 1.7 DALYs/100,000 based on human biomonitoring data. The present study considered the exposure data presented in the EFSA scientific opinion “Risk assessment of aflatoxins in food” where data from occurrence of AFTs in food and from food consumption were gathered to estimate the exposure to AFTs in 19 European countries. A deterministic and a bottom-up approach was developed to estimate the health impact of the exposure to AFTs for adult population through the calculation of DALYs associated to the number of estimated extra-cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Results showed similar values for all the 19 European countries considered. For adult population and considering the data provided by EFSA using the upper-bound approach (worst-case scenario), the estimated number of DALYs ranged from 0.32 (Spain) to 1.10 (United Kingdom) DALYs/100,000. A total of 11.76 DALYs/100,000 was globally estimated for the considered European countries. The highest burden was estimated for the United Kingdom, that together with The Netherlands, Ireland, Czech Republic, and Austria were the highest contributors to the global estimated European burden associated to the exposure to AFTs. The present study generated reliable and crucial data to characterize the burden associated to exposure to AFTs in the European population. The obtained results constitute an important contribution to define priorities and support the need for further policy actions to protect European citizen's health.

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