
BUQUINOLATE, ethyl 4-hydroxy-6, 7-diisobutoxy-3-quinolinecarboxylate, was synthesized at The Norwich Pharmacal Company's laboratories as one of a series of quinoline compounds tested for anticoccidial activity (Spencer et al., 1966; Watson, 1966).Recently the U. S. Food and Drug Administration approved buquinolate as a feed additive to aid in preventing coccidiosis due to Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, and E. maxima in broiler chickens. This compound is marketed in a premix under the name Bonaid®.* Buquinolate is not to be fed to laying hens, and is to be withdrawn from the feed of broiler chickens 24 hours before slaughter. There is a zero tolerance for residues of buquinolate in eggs and edible tissues of chickens, except for a tolerance of 0.2 p.p.m. in liver. Further work is in progress to meet F.D.A. requirements for proof of efficacy against the five species recognized as economically significant by F.D.A.The low solubility of .

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