
This paper reviews recent work on a new geometric object called a bundle gerbe and discusses some new examples arising in quantum field theory. One application is to an Atiyah–Patodi–Singer index theory construction of the bundle of fermionic Fock spaces parameterized by vector potentials in odd space dimensions and a proof that this leads in a simple manner to the known Schwinger terms (Mickelsson–Faddeev cocycle) for the gauge group action. This gives an explicit computation of the Dixmier–Douady class of the associated bundle gerbe. The method also works in other cases of fermions in external fields (external gravitational field, for example) provided that the APS theorem can be applied; however, we have worked out the details only in the case of vector potentials. Another example, in which the bundle gerbe curvature plays a role, arises from the WZW model on Riemann surfaces. A further example is the "existence of string structures" question. We conclude by showing how global Hamiltonian anomalies fit within this framework.

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